Microsoft word 2016 reset default settings free. How to reset user options and registry settings in Word
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How to Reset (Default) back to original settings on Office - Microsoft Community.Factory Default Settings for Word (Microsoft Word)Microsoft word 2016 reset default settings free -
Paths for graphics filters and text converters are also registered in this location. Word can detect and repair problems associated with Setup. This feature uses the Windows Installer to correct problems with missing files and to repair registry settings. You can use the following methods to repair or reset Word files and values:. NOTE: This method is the least aggressive mode of repair. If this method does not resolve the problem, you may still have to use one of the other methods. The Detect and Repair feature fixes and repairs Word.
All files, registry entries, and optional shortcuts for all Office programs are verified and repaired. If you run Detect and Repair from Word, all other Office programs are also checked. This feature performs only a checksum. The Detect and Repair feature can also restore the Word program shortcuts on the Start menu. If Detect and Repair does not correct the problem, you may have to reinstall Word. The Reinstall feature in the Maintenance Mode popup window performs the same action as Detect and Repair, except that Reinstall copies a file when the files are of equal versions.
Detect and Repair does not copy over the file when the installation file has the correct version and checksum. If a file that Word uses at Startup is missing, the Windows Installer automatically installs that file before it starts the program. In Word , run the Microsoft Office Diagnostics feature. NOTE: This method is a moderate mode of repair. If this method does not resolve the problem, you may still have to reinstall Word.
The Maintenance Mode Setup process is similar to the process found in earlier versions of Word. The Maintenance Mode Setup process allows you to repair, add or remove features, and remove the program. To perform a Maintenance Mode repair, follow these steps:. In Windows 7 or Windows Vista: click Start , and then type "add or remove". In Word and in earlier versions of Word: click Detect and Repair errors in my Word installation or click Detect and Repair errors in my Office installation , then check the Restore my Start Menu Shortcuts box, and then click Install.
NOTE: This method is the most aggressive mode of repair. This mode resets Word to its default settings, except for settings that are stored in your global template Normal. To do this in Word and in earlier versions of Word, follow these steps:. For more information about Word or Word , see How to install the individual Office features or to repair the installed Office programs.
To prevent formatting changes, AutoText entries, and macros that are stored in the global template Normalm. Renaming the template lets you quickly determine whether the global template is causing the issue. When you rename the Normal. These include custom styles, custom toolbars, macros, and AutoText entries. We strongly recommend that you rename the template instead of deleting the Normal. If you determine that the template is the issue, you will be able to copy the custom styles, custom toolbars, macros, and AutoText entries from the Normal.
Certain types of configurations may create more than one Normal. These situations include cases where multiple versions of Word are running on the same computer or cases where several workstation installations exist on the same computer.
In these situations, make sure that you rename the correct copy of the template. To rename the global template file, follow these steps:. When you restart Word, a new global template Normal. When you start Word, the program automatically loads templates and add-ins that are located in the Startup folders. Errors in Word may be the result of conflicts or problems with an add-in. To determine whether an item in a Startup folder is causing the problem, you can temporarily empty the folder.
Word loads items from the Office Startup folder and the Word Startup folder. To remove items from the Startup folders, follow these steps:. Right-click one of the files that is contained in the folder, and then click Rename. After the file name, type ". You may have to rename the file by using its original name. If you can no longer reproduce the problem, you have found the specific add-in that causes the problem.
If you must have the features that the add-in provides, contact the vendor of the add-in for an update. Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to Del Lyn's post on June 1, Hi Lyn. I see. By the way, what Mac OS are you using? Consider any of the following: 1.
Quit all Microsoft Office for Mac programs. On the Go menu, click Home. Open Library. Open the Preferences folder. Look for a file that is named com. If you locate the file, move it to the desktop. If you do not locate the file, the program is using the default preferences already.
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